1. Find out what Auld Lang Syne really means
I did this one at work with the help of my co-worker Kali. She looked it up on her iPhone while I took a picture with my iPhone. So the answer? Auld Lang Syne roughly translates to "times gone by." So, as the song suggests, drink a cup of kindness for times gone by. (The kindness in my cup is alcoholic.)
2. Write “If only I had a…” on a piece of paper and flush it down the toilet
Then we sent them to a higher power, the sewer gods. I’m not sure if the point was to motivate us or to dissuade us from our delusions. Either way, I’m getting a boat one day. And I hope Becky gets a million buckaroos. (And shares with her bestie!)
Since our first task went so well, we decided to do another!
3. Eat only the green M&Ms
Unfortunately, we did not have any M&Ms on hand. So we took a trip to everyone’s favorite convenience store, Wawa!
We are huge fans of the new pretzel M&Ms, so even though we knew we would be getting less individual candies, and therefore lower our chances of getting greens, we splurged on the pretzel candy anyway. One bag per person of course. However, much to our dismay, our bags only contained 2 green M&Ms each.
But we cheers’ed, yes cheers’ed, our M&Ms anyway and crossed off another task on our list.
Afterwards we tried exercising self-control and NOT eating the rest of the bag. That lasted about 5 minutes. Who could blame us? Have you tried the pretzel M&Ms? If you have, then you understand. If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?! Get off your butt, grab life by the horns and go get some! That way you, like us, can say, “Oh, I’ve done that.”
Look for another post this weekend when special guest Lindsay joins me to cross off another task on our list. Becky will be in Delaware and is therefore disqualified from this weekend’s goals.
So until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.
Love always,
The Go Getters
Hey Sam and Becky! This is pretty neat! I had to remember my 10-year-old AIM login info to follow you guys lol.
ReplyDeleteLove it! I want to guest star on some good adventures! i putting you on my bookmarks.
ReplyDeletethis is going to be the worst thing ever, i can't wait to be part of it.
ReplyDeleteI just might have to pick up a copy of that book. Keep it up! You girls are awesome! =)
ReplyDeleteThanks! We're glad people are enjoying it as much as we are!