That's right! We just booked our trip to London, Paris and Amsterdam for next June through Contiki Tours!
We called up our good pal, what's-his-face at Contiki Tours and he helped us set everything up!
Now we still have to book our air fare anndddd it would probably be a good idea to let our bosses know that we won't be at work that week....but that's just details people! The point is WE'RE GOING TO EUROPE! Paid in full!

(At least I am, Becky will be paying in installments)
Don't worry, we'll keep you updated on all of our progress! I hope you're as excited as we are! And we'll also let you know how Contiki is, because then you should book your own trip! Woooo!!!!
And until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss!
Love Always,
(And soon from overseas!)
The Go Getters!
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