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"In order to write about life, first you must live it." -Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Floating in the summer sky, 99 red balloons go by

Hello friends! Thank you so much for all of the new people who follow us and anonymous people who read our blog, we hope you've had as much fun as we're having! I want to do some plugs first: We have a Facebook page where you can follow our updates and see what we're up to! And you can see our full list on Bucketlist.org.

Okay, that's enough plugging, here we go!

64. Blow smoke rings

Well you all know that I smoked hookah for the first time not too long ago but you probably don't know that Jamie bought a hookah for us to enjoy!


Now, Jamie and Becky were already hookah pros so they could already blow some pretty impressive smoke rings. I don't know who taught them, but they've got it down.



IMG_0896I, however, need to find whoever taught them what they know because it took me a loooong time to get it. And then once I did get it, we unfortunately COULD NOT get a picture of it. Now trust me, I would never lie to our loyal readers. We don't have a picture of me actually blowing a smoke ring, but we do have an equally embarrassing picture of smoke coming out of my mouth in an attempt to make a ring. But Becky and Jamie will vouch for me, I really did blow smoke rings! I had the light-headedness and tight chest to prove it too!

Okay, so here is the part you've all been waiting for. We did something TOTALLY awesome yesterday for the first day of summer. And I don't know if I'll have much to say about it because the pictures will really show you how cool it was. And we took a million. So please enjoy.

65. Release 99 red balloons into the summer sky
I know! Don't tell me you haven't wanted to try it before! Since 8th grade we've been huge fans of the song 99 Red Balloons by Goldfinger. It wasn't until a few years later that we realized it was a cover of the original by Nena, equally as awesome. Way back in 9th grade we blew up 99 red balloons for our friend Kathleen's birthday to surprise her. Our latest attempt was much more successful because we learned that you needed more than one helium tank. So after work I headed right over to Becky's to get started.

Step 1: Blow up balloons

Step 2: Tie off balloon

Step 3: Get Becky and Jamie's little brother to do all of the work

IMG_2075Just kidding! But that's Cliff, our helper who only did the work and didn't come along to see the amazing end results. We wore him out.

I'm sure you're dying to know just what 99 balloons look like in one small space, don't worry we have plenty of photos:


When we were done they looked like little cherries!


Then we had to get them to our designated release site, which with helium balloons can be difficult, so we stuffed them up in body bags that were conveniently available at Becky's house. No questions asked.

Body bags.

Yes, I know they look like dead bodies. So let me prove that these bags were in fact not stuffed with bodies, because I wouldn't have been able to hold them like this:

So we stuffed them in the car

And headed to our super secret launch site

At this point it's easier to just post the photos without words. Jamie was a fabulous photographer and documented the wholeeee thing! We also took a pretty extensive photo shoot with the balloons, so bear with us! (You would have done it too) So here it is, the release of 99 red balloons into the summer sky.

















At this point I had to remind Becky to stop cutting and actually look so that she wouldn't miss this:







It was so surreal. The balloons floated off pretty quickly, and in the pit of my stomach I was a little concerned they would end up causing a plane crash or at least unnerve some birds. But all was well afterward and it is definitely an image that I will never forget.

Well we hope you enjoyed this post guys. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that was one of the absolute coolest things we've ever done and I hope I can do it again some day. But until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.

Love always,
The Go Getters

P.S. The Go Getters want to dedicate this post to Alice Pyne, because everyone deserves the chance to follow their dreams! She is a 15 year old with terminal cancer who is determined to complete her bucket list. Check out her blog at http://alicepyne.blogspot.com/ and support her on Twitter: @Alice_Pyne and #alicebucketlist

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, girls. That is one of the coolest things I've seen, and now I want to go do it!

    And thank you for linking us to Alice's page. She is a strong person, and I know that she'll complete her list with her determination. <3
