Tag line

"In order to write about life, first you must live it." -Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Geronimo, look out below, here comes the brother with the offbeat flow!

Welcome back guys! Don't think that we forgot about you. There were no adventures this weekend, well not as far as the Go Getters were concerned, but we did something awesome yesterday!

15. Listen to the first cassette you ever bought.

I'm sorry, cassette? When was the last time anyone
listened to a cassette? My car doesn't even have a tape player! So finding somewhere to listen to said cassette was a little difficult. But first we had to find it, and luckily I don't throw anything away...

Got 'em!

Then I had to figure out what the first tape I bought was. Let me tell you folks, you're not ready for this one.

Oh, you think you don't remember this song? Let me take you on a journey back to 1995....

The Outhere Brothers - Boom Boom Boom
Uploaded by eurorap. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Yea....now you know what I'm talking about! But if you don't...this is the clean version. The real version is FILTHY. Had my mother known just what I was listening to she would have smashed my walkman. (Aww, the blog put a red underline under walkman like it's spelled wrong. It's okay blogger, you're too young to remember walkmen.)

Speaking of walkmen, neither of us had one, or boom box or other tape-playing antique so we went to Jamie's cause she had a bunch from an old installation project!

So, while you're listening to the best song ever, take a look at us rocking out!

Even the kitties got in on the action!

Well that was AWESOME. If I ever find my old boom box I think I'll listen to my other old tapes too. I also found a Spice Girls single! I highly recommend digging through your old boxes and wiping off the dust of your walkman and rocking out to some bands that are old enough to have had cassette tapes out. Do it! And until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.

Love Always,
The Go Getters

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

House of Cards

Hey guys! Sam's back! I'm too much of a scaredy cat for the last two things Becky did, so this update is free of fear and police involvement. Not stress though, there was plenty of stress.

14. Build a house of cards
Our first attempts were failures at best. We had four different decks of cards to try. The first were brand new, unopened panda cards from the National Zoo. Yes, they were mine. No surprise there, note the panda socks.

These cards proved to be quite a hassle. Becky had more luck than I did.

But not for long.

Then we moved on to try the cards that I got in Italy a few years ago. These, although still difficult, proved to be the most successful.

 I found card-house-building to be beneath me (and extremely difficult), and instead decided to make A PANDA FLOWER!

But Becky stayed strong!

 Everything was going so well!
 But then the inevitable happened....
Damn. Life is hard.

 So after watching Becky have some success, I decided to try again, although this time on a much smaller scale.
Again I faced the same hardships that Becky had faced.

Until finally, success!
A whole tower! Base, two levels and a point! It fell shortly after, but at least we have the proof!
By the way, for anyone who thinks building a house of cards isn't that hard (it is) then we challenge you to make your own! Send or post a picture of your best work! But until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.

Love Always,
The Go Getters

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

13. "Tag" a Building

¡Hola chicos! Becky, again. I was a little nervous about posting this one due to "legal issues". However, after thinking about it, I decided just to say F@*K IT, go big or go home right? I know a lot of people look at graffiti as an offensive form of expression, but I find it to be a fascinating form of protest, art, and modern culture. So, I figured it was about time that I tried my hand at this urban ritual. The first step was to find some spray paint and seeing as how I'm too broke to buy some, I raided my parents basement. To my surprise, I discovered a whole shelf of EMPTY cans. Apparently no one throws anything out in my house. Good thing Jamie is an art major! I knew that would come in handy at some point. But then I figured out that finding a place to do this, in Mullica Hill, was a lot more difficult than expected. It probably also had something to do with the fact that I'm an old lady now and have an early bedtime (so there was still a lot of people around). Every time I found a building that might have worked, I would find a reason (Mom & Pop shop, too creepy, a cop sitting down the road, etc.) to choose another spot. So, I decided to downgrade my goal to just any open area, fit for a tag. FINALLY, a spot was chosen!
I obviously had to be in my hoodrat threads
Seeing as I've never used spray paint before, besides refinishing a lamp, I ended up painting half my hand along with this messy tag.

Needless to say, I don't think I'll be trying this again. But, its nice to say I've done it.

Have anything you want to add to our list? Let us know, and help us cross it off!
So until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss. 

The Go Getters

Thursday, October 7, 2010

12. Go Ghost Hunting

Ayo! Becky, here! So, one of my goals on the list was to go ghost hunting. I’ve never really believed in ghosts, so I think that’s why it interested me so much. How could someone waste so much time on something that’s not even real? And since Sam is a big scaredy cat… Jamie, Cliff, and my mom joined me for this adventure. This wasn’t just any ghost hunt, it was at the Philadelphia Zoo. A couple of weeks ago, SyFy aired an episode of their show “Ghost Hunters” on location at the Philadelphia Zoo; the zoo decided to make it a special event. So, we hopped on over to America’s first zoo to take our chances with the paranormal. After waiting for a half hour (and playing with flashlights) 

we were finally taken back to the theater in the tiger/lion exhibit where we viewed the “Ghost Hunters” episode. We then went over to the Shelly Administration Building for a meet & greet with the cast and crew of the SyFy television show. Our awesome tour guides (Brad & Amanda) took us around the zoo and showed us some sleeping animals, 

and took us into the proven “haunted” buildings on the grounds.

The Penrose Administration Building (the old vet lab building) was our first stop. Nothing special happened, but it was creepy to be in an old lab with no lights on.

The most interesting spot was definitely the Solitude House, 
which is the oldest house on the grounds (over 275 years old) and the only 
remaining house of the Penn family (founders of Pennsylvania).

Apparently, ever since the “Ghost Hunters” did their investigation in July,
the attic door has mysteriously locked and cannot be opened. So, naturally,
I was intrigued and posed in front of the door for Jamie to take my picture. 
However, while I get into position and Jamie is getting the camera ready, the door starts to flutter back and forth, banging on the lock. Now, like I said before, I do not believe in ghosts so this definitely made me start to question things. But needless to say, I screamed like a little girl and ran away, terrifying Jamie in the process.

This was also proof that Sam would not have been okay with completing this task with me. But, I’m still glad Jamie was there to cross it off the list with me; she’s starting to become a regular Go Getter!

Well, until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.

Love Always,
The Go Getters

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Poppin' bottles in the ice, like a blizzard

Hello again folks! Well, as promised, we finished our task and drank champagne out of crazy straws yesterday! And we also fulfilled Jamie's request to join us while we completed it. Here's a reminder folks, if you want to assist us with anything on the list just let us know! The more the merrier! You too can be a Go Getter! As long as you don't live far away, that might be hard to coordinate. But we're open to anything! Alright, that's enough exclamation points, let us continue.

After work/school we headed to Jamie's apartment with our champagne and crazy straws. Before the fun could begin though, we had to play with the kitties!

This is Alice. (aka Mama)
 This is either Scooter or Angel. My first instinct says Scooter. Jamie can clarify.


Okay, that's enough fun. Then we got down to business. Jamie took enough pictures that I don't really have to say much. You may as well have been there.

9. Drink champagne out of a crazy straw

Then we added a little romance.
Drinking champagne out of a crazy straw is a little more complicated than you'd expect. I blame the bubbles.

Oh, and here's some individual shots of the Go Getters (special guest Jamie Moore) themselves.

Well, that was fun, but that wasn't enough for us! If we're going to get all of these tasks done we really need to do more than one a week.

10. Touch your tongue to your nose

Sure, for some this is probably simple. Unfortunately, our tongues (or noses) are not as long as others. We were unsuccessful with this task, but at least we tried! Trust me, we tried everything. 

Oh well. At least Becky had a little more success with the next task!

11. Crush a beer can with one hand. 
You know what's great about this update? There are so many pictures that I don't have to say much.


 A little cheating never hurt anybody.


So all in all I would say that we are making some excellent progress on our list! But we have a favor to ask of our readers! One of the tasks on our list is to go on a blind date, Jamie is on the prowl trying to find some people to set us up with, but honestly we know all the same people. SO if you know any fun guys (actually, I believe fungi is the plural. ha! spelling humor.) that wouldn't mind being set up on a blind date with two fun girls, please let us know. And remember, we can't know who they are! And cuteness wouldn't hurt either.

Well, until next time, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.

Love Always,
The Go Getters