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"In order to write about life, first you must live it." -Ernest Hemingway

Friday, October 1, 2010

Everyone has a secret

Welcome back! So for today's adventure I was joined by the one and only Lindsaykins! And lucky for me, and you, she had a fabulous idea! For years she's been talking about how she wants to write down a secret and leave it in a copy of a Post Secret book at Barnes & Noble. And today we finally did it.

After a lovely sushi dinner and a stop at my house to write down our secrets, we headed to the only Barnes & Noble for miles around. They recently rearranged the whole store so it took a little while to find the books, but eventually we did. We tried to be discrete, but the store was kind of crowded and I'm sure people saw us and wondered what we were doing. Especially when I pulled out the camera to take pictures for proof.

I'm not going to lie to you, I was a little nervous. It's scary to put your secrets out there. I'm still a little apprehensive about posting it on here. I even considered redacting it in the picture haha. (P.S. I've had an inner battle trying to decide whether to leave the photo this size or make it smaller so it's harder to read. Lucky for Lindsay hers is already hard to read.) I'm also a bit of a worry wart, so I was worried that we would somehow get in trouble while trying to do this. But nobody stopped us or followed behind us to take them out, so I guess it's okay. And I kind of hope someone actually finds our secrets. Too bad we'll never know. Unless one of our readers tries to find it. But that would ruin the surprise. And you already know what the secrets are. So it's really not worth it. But just in case you don't believe us, here's a clue for your treasure hunt.

Well that's all for today, but stay tuned in folks! Tomorrow will bring even more adventures! And Becky may even be back to join us! So until then, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.

Love always,
The Go Getters

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