Don't worry folks, we didn't leave you! Quite the opposite, we've had a busy weekend of adventure! Now I'm going to try to get it all up here before my bedtime (the biggest difference between being an adult and being a college student that I've noticed is the reinstatement of a bedtime :/).
Lindsay came home this weekend and I showed her our list and, as you know, she added some good ideas of her own. Then on Sunday she had an even better idea!
6. Go to the Berlin Auction
For years I've been wanting to go to the Berlin Auction, it's like a flea market, and for those of you from South Jersey, it's like Cowtown, only with more old stuff and less fake stuff.
Also! One of the things on the list was to
7. Find a masterpiece at a garage sale
Since the Berlin Auction is sort of like one big garage sale, I attempted to find something that somewhat resembled a masterpiece. This was about as good as I could get. Masterful, no? Well, no, but I'll keep looking!
AND this totally awesome ring! IT SPINS!
Becky was supposed to join us but she was busy sleeping in Delaware. Then I traded in Lindsay for Becky and went on a new adventure. This one much more serious and pretty gratifying actually.
8. Leave flowers on the untended grave of a stranger
It was kind of a gloomy day and we were a little worried that we would get caught in the rain, but that didn't stop us from buying 6 flowers from Shop Rite and heading to the graveyard.
Then Becky picked out her stranger to leave her flower with. After some wandering she found Gertrude, who's grave was overgrown with weeds and grass. She cleaned it up a little bit and left her looking much nicer than before.
I left my flower on what I'm now fairly certain was a marker of some kind, but it was the oldest looking stone there and it confused me and Becky and we didn't want to be Indian givers and take back the flower we had already given just in case an angry ghost decided to seek revenge. So let's just say I left my flower to a whole row rather than trying to choose just one grave.
Then we headed to Mullica Hill to visit Theresa and leave a flower on her grave as well.
Once again we tried to find some untended graves. However, this graveyard was relatively new and pretty well taken care of. So we instead looked for ones that looked lonely.
Afterwards, we both decided that we're going to do this more often. It may sound like a creepy thing to do, but it really wasn't. The gravestones are there so these people won't be forgotten, we just went a little further.
Well we can't be serious all the time, so our next task we decided should be a fun one. However, instead of fun it became a long journey that we almost had to give up on. Why? Because crazy straws are out of season! Who knew?!
9. Drink champagne out of a crazy straw
Strawberry Andre: $5. Class and elegance one achieves when purchasing and consuming Andre: Priceless.
The champagne was easy to find, but the crazy straw? Well, that sent us on a wild goose chase from Shop Rite to Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kmart, Acme and finally Target. Yes, TWO HOURS LATER we finally had something to show for our efforts. However, we didn't find actual crazy straws, rather a crazy straw built into and wrapped around a Halloween cup. Which, honestly, is way cooler.
We were supposed to cross that task off our list yesterday, but we got too tired so we decided we would do it today. Then Becky's stomach turned against her and decided that it didn't want to drink today (a rarity, I assure you) so now hopefully it will happen tomorrow!
Here's an example of the whirlwind of emotions I experienced in the last 24 hours:
Is it really this hard to find crazy straws?
Success, finally! It was all worth it!

Damn. No champagne today.
It's okay! We can do it tomorrow!
Phew, so hopefully there will be a new update tomorrow too. Keep an eye out! But until then, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.
Also, I leave you with some highly unattractive, but funny pictures.
Love Always,
The Go Getters
P.S. The hat Becky is wearing is supposed to be a cooked turkey. Oh, and it danced and sang. Yeah.
Love the gravestone / flower idea! And I bet Mike and Theresa thank you for the flower. I'm done work at 4 tomorrow, if you're drinking form your crazy straws after that I would love to join!