16. Go to a professional NHL game.
So, our journey began yesterday when I was at work, as Managing Editor of Delaware County Magazine (shameless plug: check us out online at delcomag.com, on facebook and on twitter!) and my boss asked if I would like to go the Flyers game that night! We get tickets for all kinds of events to give away to our readers for contests and on facebook (another reason to "like" us!) but I guess we happened to have some extra tickets so they offered them to me! Trust me, it doesn't happen often. So who did I think of immediately for my second ticket? I'll give you one guess.
So I called Becky as soon as I left work. No answer. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she couldn't get to her phone in time, and I called her again. Still no answer. It was now 5:15 and the game was at 7. If I couldn't find anyone to go with I honestly considered giving them to the gas attendant who was going to pump my gas later. So I called my friend Megan. No answer. I called Jamie, you know Jamie, she's the one with the cats! And she answered! But, while I was giving her the details of the night, Becky called. When I hung up the phone with Jamie I called Becky back to tell her she had missed out on a great opportunity. She was pretty pissed. So she called Jamie to tell her how angry she was for not answering the phone, and Jamie, being the kind hearted and wonderful sister that she is, forfeited her ticket so Becky could go to her first professional NHL game!
And here we are! This picture had to be taken by the guy sitting behind us since we have issues and couldn't take one ourselves. lol, or it may have something to do with the free beer we got. What?! Free beer! That's right!
When we were on our way to our seats we saw a Chikie's & Pete's and since I hadn't eaten dinner I decided that crab fries was as good a meal as any. If you haven't had Chickie's & Pete's crab fries with the cheese sauce, I HIGHLY recommend you head over to the Philly area and get yourself a tub of them. Anyway, back to the free part. So we were chatting with the lady who rang us up, who we're quite positive was wasted, and I was still holding my ticket for no reason. While I was in the process of trying to get it back into my purse she asked me,
"Is there any money on your ticket?"
The looks Becky and I had on our faces must have been priceless.
Me: "What? On my ticket?"
Chickie's & Pete's Lady: "Yea, do you have a loaded ticket?"
Me: "I don't even know what that means?!"
Chickie's & Pete's Lady: "Let me see it. (Scans ticket.) Yea, it's a loaded ticket. You have $16 left on it."
Me: "Becky, do you want a beer?!"
And two beers is all that $16 got us. But still, free crab fries AND two free Blue Moons. I mean really, you can't beat that!
So now Becky and I had everything we needed to enjoy a professional sporting event. Well, except for the knowledge of what exactly was happening, but we cheered when everyone else cheered and boo'ed when everyone else boo'ed, and ultimately tried to look like we belonged there.
Halfway through the second period (that's right, I know what they're called) we went to wander around the stadium a little. We stopped at the store (I really wanted to refer to as a gift shop just now) where I bought this shirt:
I had to get this one because it didn't have anyone's name on it, because clearly Becky and I don't know who's a good player and who's not, let alone who's even still on the team. See title of this post.
And Becky pined over this hat:
So instead of heading back to our seats we wandered around the stadium and counted how many side glances we got from guys. We figured they either thought we were hot Flyers fans, or there were boogers hanging from our noses. I'm gonna hope for the first. I mean come on, check us out:
We don't care enough to actually BUY these pictures, parking alone was $15! So please disregard the "PROOF" watermark on the pictures.
Besides, we have a better one...
So that was our exciting night at an NHL game! And we decided that after Becky gets a few paychecks, and we learn some of the lingo, we're gonna start hanging out at Sports bars.
Go Flyers/Eagles/Phillies/other tristate area teams!<--- FALSE. We only root for Philadelphia teams! (EDIT: By Becky)
(EDIT: By Sam) I will cheer for any team that a large group of attractive boys are rooting for. I have no shame.
We hope you guys haven't forgotten about us! We promise there's even more to come! But until then, good luck exploring the infinite abyss.
Love always,
The Go Getters
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